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Workstation AG Personaldienstleistungen - Jobdetails

Czech Premium Car Concierge Service - all genders

Referenznummer: 860524550


Our client, a German car manufacturer, pampers his drivers with special services. The concierge service in the vehicle provides a telephone connection to the call center at the push of a button. The agents (m / f / d) - this would be you - reserve hotel rooms, know the way to the next emergency pharmacy or the next ATM and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all questions. The permanent use of the SIM card ensures that the concierge service is connected to the mobile network at all times, independent of external smartphones.

We are currently looking for employees who are fluent in Czech.

Typical information you provide are:
- Hotel reservations
- Sending addresses of requrired locations directly to the vehicle (including complete data set with information such as address for direct transfer to the destination guide and - depending on the content provider - Internet address, e-mail address and telephone number)
- Flight information
- Restaurant reviews and reservations
- Share prices
- Cinema program
- Traffic information
- Weather information
- News
- Sport Results
- Automatic cash dispensers
- (emergency) pharmacies

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Einfach und unkompliziert - Der schnellste Weg zu uns führt über das nebenstehende Bewerbungsformular.

Alternativ können Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung an bewerbung@030-workstation.de senden.

Ihr Kontakt

Workstation AG
Herr Robert Kühnl
Alt Moabit 96 B
10559 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 43024324

Workstation AG Personaldienstleistungen - Bewerberprofil

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Mit * gekennzeichnete Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.




C2/C1 = Sehr gute Kenntnisse, B2/B1 = Gute Kenntnisse

sonstige Angaben