Referenznummer: 860524942
10787 Berlin
Our client is a great online plattform bringing landlords and tenants together. For the multilingual support team we are looking for talented staff (m/f/d) with experience in customer service / customer support.
Typical questions you will reply to are on the landlord side:
_ What pictures work best to create an attractive advert
_ How do I best describe my place in words
_ How can I put the assets in the right light
_ When do I get my money
_ Is temporary rental allowed in my town / district
... and on the tenant side:
_ I have a problem with the website, such as ...
_ How does the concept work
_ When do I get back my deposit
_ I would like to give a feedback to my last trip
Currently we require fluency in one of the following languages: Finnish or Norwegian
Experience in customer service experiance is an advanage. Alternative experience as a receptionist, translator, check in agent or waiter works well, too. Computer literacy is a prerequisit.
This job is due to start in early spring.
Einfach und unkompliziert - Der schnellste Weg zu uns führt über das nebenstehende Bewerbungsformular.
Alternativ können Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung an senden.
Workstation AG
Herr Robert Kühnl
Alt Moabit 96 B
10559 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 43024324